This post is about installing Spring Tool Suite (STS) on Ubuntu. The Spring Tool Suite is an Eclipse-based development environment that is customized for developing Spring applications. Step 1: Download the latest Spring Tool Suite for Linux from STS official website: Step 2: Extract into any folder which you prefer. My extracted Spring Tool Suite locations is /home/harishshan/springsource Step 3: Create the Menu icon for quick access sudo nano /usr/share/applications/STS.desktop Step 4: Enter the following content [Desktop Entry] Name=SpringSource Tool Suite Comment=SpringSource Tool Suite Exec=/home/harishshan/springsource/sts-3.4.0-RELEASE/STS Icon=/home/harishshan/springsource/sts-3.4.0-RELEASE/icon.xpm StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Development;IDE;Java; Step 5: Now you can check from Quick Menu by typing " Spring "
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